Seeking and finding wonder

If you don’t know, our theme for the holiday season is “The Most Wonder-FULL Time of Year”. We decided to emphasize FULL to remind folks to yes, get full on a lot of cheese and other gourmet goods, but also to remind them to make the season full of love, light, and memories.  

But then I thought to myself, “uh, what about WONDER?!?!”

First things first, let’s read the actual definition of wonder. Cheesy, I know, but you remember who I am, right?

(n.) a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar or inexplicable.
(v.) 1. desire or be curious to know something. 2. to feel admiration + amazement. marvel.

In an effort to write a compelling piece for you, dear reader, I then decided to calendar a full day of wonder, and report back. So I asked Joe. But with a demanding schedule for both of us, especially in December, there wasn’t a day available to find wonder. Shit. 

But with wonder on my mind, something miraculous started happening. Call it manifesting, call it the magic of the holiday season, or call it just being aware and intentional, but wonder started happening. All. The. Time.  

Things like the mounds of joy I got from the stairway garland I made; things like finding absolute joy blasting showtunes while cutting and wrapping 90 pieces of cheese for the December Box of the Month (which, by the way has surprise cheeses for a reason - it makes it more wonder-full); buying mini poinsettias from Ryan at Foliage and Flora for the bistro tables; snacking on homemade sourdough that a customer brought to us warm from the oven; having the shop absolutely brimming with friends - folks that were only customers a year ago, but now make my heart light up when they walk through the door; and so, so many more.

What I’ve discovered to be true, this holiday season, and beyond, is it’s the journey to wonder that’s the important part and far more fulfilling than actually finding it. 

It’s our sincere belief that if you seek wonder, you will find wonder, making your holiday season WONDER-full.



New Year’s Eve: A Photo Retrospective


A Proud Popcorn Moment