Your Support Matters, More Than You May Realize

I know I’m preaching to the choir here because all of you who read this blog are our most supportive people, but the recent closures of some of the small businesses in our village have got me to thinking about what “Shop Small” or “Support Small Business” really means.

Now, I’m going to be honest, your support of Joe and me as people, our family, and our company as an idea and not just products on the shelf, is really what makes me happiest and the reason to get up in the morning, but Scott & Joe wouldn't be possible without actually selling things. 

It has rained every weekend for the past seven weekends in Nyack. Seven. Scott & Joe, like most small retail shops in our village, does the majority of its business on the weekend, so it’s been pretty devastating, and I know we aren’t the only ones hurting.  

So I come to you humbly today to offer a reminder that everything you do with your wallet matters, and you have the ability to make or break dreams with it. When you shop small, yes, it makes you feel good, but I think it’s actually bigger than that. Ultimately, it’s our responsibility to each other as community members. To show we have each other’s backs.

It can be harder, but putting up with finding a place to park, rather than just clicking and having things delivered, is what we must do for each other. And if we all put in the effort, maybe, just maybe, we won’t have to read about another Village Market or Funny Business, or even Starbucks leaving us for good.

As we embark on the holiday season, I encourage you to do all you can to shop small. Eat out in our village, buy gifts in our village, get services done by a local. Go further than that by liking and commenting on social media posts. Have conversations with your friends and family about the importance of shopping small. It all helps. It’s up to us, together, to make our village what we want it to be. I believe in us. 



A New Approach to Thanksgiving


An Autumn Favorite: Squash Toast